North Carolina Coach, End-of-Grade, Science, Student Edition, Grade 5

$16.19 Consumer Price

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SKU: 1605989

Product Details

Give your students a head start on the new End-of-Grade Science Tests. Developed in consultation with North Carolina Educators, Coach provides in-depth instruction, comprehensive review, and extensive practice to help students process information and develop higher-order thinking skills. Lessons and activities build skills and strategies, as well as student confidence in test-taking.

Product Features

  • North Carolina End-of-Grade (EOG) Coach, Science provides 100% coverage of the North Carolina Science Goals and Objectives
  • Grade 5 curriculum-required content includes: the interdependence of plants and animals, Earth's landforms, weather and climate, and forces and motion
  • Each lesson includes a Getting the Idea section, detailed instruction, a discussion question, and lesson review questions
  • Highlighted key words and a glossary reinforce vocabulary used on the actual End-of-Grade exam
  • Two full-length, fully-aligned Practice Tests are modeled after the End-of-Grade Science Test

Product Includes:

  • 1 Print Student Edition