Tennesse Coach Practice Tests, TNREADY Edition, ELA, Grade 6

$8.39 Consumer Price

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SKU: 1607483

Product Details

Tennessee Coach Practice Tests, TNREADY Edition helps teachers prepare their students for the TN state assessment. Teachers can administer the Practice Tests as diagnostic and summative assessments or assign the tests as individual practice modules to acquaint students with the test format and enhanced item types.

Product Features

  • Coach Practice Tests help students practice for the state ELA assessments
  • Assessments focus on reading comprehension, language skills, editing, and listening comprehension
  • Writing Component includes one writing prompt, preceded by a series of texts to which students respond
  • Two Practice Tests include the following item types, modified for paper and pencil: Multiple Choice, Multiple Select, Highlight/Hot Text, Drag-and-Drop/Grid Items, Two-Part Items, and Open Response
  • Item Correlation Charts, Answer Keys, and a Student Scoring Sheet are included

Product Includes:

  • 1 Practice Tests Booklet